If ever I met my primary friends, secondary friends, working friends,net friends, uncles, aunties, relatives etc,
The first question they will ask is,
"Which course are you taking now?"
"Teacher. M doing Degree in Education now."
Then I know their reactions will be, "What??? A teacher? Are you serious???"(With their mouth and eyes open wide big)
"Yup! An officially teacher in Year 2012." *smile*
Ok, I know... I know.. I dont look like a teacher.
Or perhaps I don't have the
But being a teacher is always my dream.
Many of my course mates who chose the same course as me simply because they do not sure which path they want or do not want to sit STPM or parents want them to be a teacher or etc etc.
If you were given a chance to look at my 001 file, (Remember? The file which we filled in our ambitions during primary school time, REMEMBER???)
You will be surprised that the ambitions I wrote was
1.Police woman
Every year, I wrote the same ambitions. ;P
Why not choose to be a police woman?
That time I chose to be a police woman because of my dad.
My Dad was an Inspector Police.
I remembered the Report Card day in school.
He came to collect my report card with his uniform. *giggle*
That time many people in my school was looking at him.
I could heard "Wah.. Who is that???"
Friends told me "YenXie, your father is so HANDSOME la!!! " *Laugh*
Hahaha.. I laughed out loud.
But seriously, I damn proud to be the Handsome police's daughter.
As I grow elder, I know, I just don't fit to be a police woman.
You need to be really fit and tough.
A lady who always fall sick(Since small, every month I will have a major sick which I don't know why), cries easily, gives up easily when there are difficulties, how to become a respectful police woman???
So first ambition CANCELED. :'(
Why not choose to be a doctor?
I can be very playful when I see blood.
I like to scare girls who dare not to see blood. *hahahahhahah*
I remembered one day during my secondary, we need to dissect a frog to see its breathing organs.
Teacher told us to cut the flog's skin carefully, cut and pull its skin layer by layer, so that its blood and fresh will not be messy and its organ can be seen clearly.
Teacher divided the class to 4 in a group.
My group, no one dares to touch the frog.
So the brave girl a.k.a Candice a.k.a me volunteered to cut
I got no patient.
Cut and pull layer by layer??? No way!
I poke the surgery blade straight to the frog's heart.
The blood was splashing out(Coz' the frog is in his coma condition and is still alive) and the poor frog, died on the spot! =__=" (Why is he so weak?)
Friends shouted and screamed! (You know, girls reactions... =___="")
And I was there laughing. (Recall back now, I can still remembered the incident. Faarr-neey XD )
You see, such playful and impatient girl how to be a doctor?
Teacher suits me best.
I love kids very much.
I love them to get around me and we played games together.
Besides, I like to teach people and talk in front of public. *Don't ask me why*
So right after my SPM, I become an assistant ballet instructor to help my ballet teacher.
I was given average age 5 kids to teach.
They were so cute.
Kids with leotard, socks, shoes and mini tutu skirts gathered around me, calling me "Miss Chong~! Miss Chong!"
It just so damn cute! :D
Since that day, I knew becoming a teacher is the most suitable field for me.
I was thinking to open my very own ballet studio.
But I was afraid that I will end it very soon.
Chinese idiom said "虎头蛇尾"
So I applied for the Bachelor's Degree in education course(which is my course now) to train myself to be an official reacher.
Even though the course took me 5 1/2 years, I don't mind.
Because I knew, you will never die of hunger if you work with the government!! Hahahahhahaha... *Some one please slaps me for stop laughing*
And now, I just came back from my internship trainings in one of the primary school in Penang.
I enjoyed myself very much when teaching.
My pupils love me and I love them a lot too.
I know, I choose the right pathway.
~* I love my profession- A future Teacher. *~
good luck in your future,dear..may your dream come true...=)
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