Wednesday, July 20, 2011


The first drawing from him.
The combination of our names:
Candice+Andy = c.a.n.d.y

Anyway, we had changed our nick to c.a.a.n.d.y
It's double "a" now.
Since my mom said the word "c.a.n.d.y" is so normal.
Surprisingly my mom starts commenting on my love life. :D
It's a good sign.


筱敏 said...

hey, at last , after so long u update your blog...hmm..btw, how come i cant search you in fb jor??? how are you lately??...find me in fb - jesselyn hooi =)

candicechong said...

@capricorna: Hey ya sweetie! LOL... yes, after soooooo longgg! @.@ haha! sorry! I have deleted my old fb. ;) now having shared fb account with my bf. I've added u in FB. Do approve me ya! Stay sweettt! <3

@Mr Lonely: thanks for dropping by. I've visited u. ;)