Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Candice's blog

No... I ain't saying my blog...
I have accidentally visited a blog named "Candice's blog".
I was so surprised!
I mean I never met a friend who has the same name as me.
The feeling is so s.p.e.c.i.a.l ^_^
Nice to know ya, Candice.
LOL... I feel like calling myself.... hahahaha.. Candice.. Candice...
Okay sorry, over excited. =_=|||

She's such a sweet girl who is good in drawing.
Which totally oppose to me. :'(

Here's some of her work I've grabbed in her blog.

Pretty isn't it. :D

P/s: Awww... I've realised something... She has the same initial as me too.. C.C XD
Candice Chin & Candice Chong


Candylette said...

awwww =3
I'm feeling extra special now!! hahaa. ccncc... that just looks funny/odd! yes its a pleasure to meet you too candice XD I'm sure you have other talents (ie. modeling/going in photo shoots which is more than i can say for myself) ;)
Hope you have a great day and many more wonderful encounters!

Anonymous said...

hahaha..thats nice! =D

Unknown said...

everyone with the name Candice have some talent in something for surE?

god... irvines are pure lousy brats. ahaha

Shu Yi said...

haiya....u can draw cute cute pic mah....

candicechong said...

[Candice] hahaa... hello Candice....Chin... :P

[kenwooi] ^_^

[irvine] everyone has their talents im sure... ish.... haha... you aint lousy brats la.. adoi~~~~

[shu yi] hahaha.. my drawings are childish... =_="

Clarissa said...

wow!two persons with the same name and beautiful,too!