Friday, December 5, 2008

Ruby, the Pomeranian dog

Her name is Ruby.
A female Pomeranian doggie.
Getting fatter and fatter each day.
I shall let the pictures do the talking.

The first month, sleeping with blanket on.

Ain't it cute?

Wearing shoes?

Even climb on my head.


Anonymous said...
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Matthias aka. Matt2001 said...

so cute!! next time u bring ruby out, i bring nova out..
thn we go yam cha!!
tiara growing bigger n bigger edi~
bring her out very ma fan...

Unknown said...

what a small little doggie. how many dogs you own?

I miss my roonie dy ^^

Anonymous said...

CUte dog But i won't touch it..

Anonymous said...

omg, so cute. show me when I visit u k ^^ u stay where ah>

candicechong said...

[Matt] Haha.. Gotta ask Ruby whether she wanna go out hang kai or not first...

[-i.r.v.i.n.e-] this dog belongs to my bf's dog. previous dog, WangWang belongs to my grandparents' dog. haha...

[zool] i understand that. XD

[Michael] Come KL la, I show u. Haha..